
I am Elliott and Robbie's mother. I started this blog as a way to help me deal and hopefully others deal with genetic disorders. My oldest son, Elliott, has recently been diagnosed with Floating Harbor Syndrome, Microchephaly, and potentially other medical conditions that are currently being tested for. My youngest son, Robbie, potentially has Floating Harbor Syndrome. We are awaiting further testing. So I decided that there must be other people out there that have FHS or other genetic disorders. In order to reach those people and to offer safe place to discuss current issues with family, marriage, and/or medical concerns I decided to start this blog. I hope that wh0mever reads this becomes enlightened and educated in the world of genetic disorders. It is a true test of human nature in regards to how they treat, handle, and understand people who are different.

Elliott's 1st grade picture

Elliott's 1st grade picture

Elliott's birthday

Elliott's birthday
Day 2..slowly but surely I'm getting better!

Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love
I love you!

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

In the beginning...

I NEVER thought in a million years that I would have a child with special needs, let alone a child with a genetic disorder. I mean, I did everything I was suppose to; I graduated from high school, went to college, met the love of my life, graduated from college, got married, started my career, and five years later had our first child, Elliott! I never took drugs and drank a lot of alcohol. A glass of wine every couple of months. My husband and I lived a healthy lifestyle

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