
I am Elliott and Robbie's mother. I started this blog as a way to help me deal and hopefully others deal with genetic disorders. My oldest son, Elliott, has recently been diagnosed with Floating Harbor Syndrome, Microchephaly, and potentially other medical conditions that are currently being tested for. My youngest son, Robbie, potentially has Floating Harbor Syndrome. We are awaiting further testing. So I decided that there must be other people out there that have FHS or other genetic disorders. In order to reach those people and to offer safe place to discuss current issues with family, marriage, and/or medical concerns I decided to start this blog. I hope that wh0mever reads this becomes enlightened and educated in the world of genetic disorders. It is a true test of human nature in regards to how they treat, handle, and understand people who are different.

Elliott's 1st grade picture

Elliott's 1st grade picture

Elliott's birthday

Elliott's birthday
Day 2..slowly but surely I'm getting better!

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

In the beginning continued...

I am in no way implying that any person with a special needs child "deserves" them or that they did not do something right. What I am saying is that there is nothing in my family tree that would increase our chances of having our children diagnosed with Floating Harbor Syndrome. I understand that there is unexplained phenomenon in our world but I NEVER thought that it would happen to me. I am not looking for a sympathy party nor am I looking for this to be explained. It's happened and now my wonderful husband and I need to embrace it. We LOVE our sons with all of our heart. At times, we are overwhelmed, fearful of what the future may hold for our children, and anxious because we do not know what is going to happen next. I am hoping that this blog will help bring peace of mind to my husband and I. Through this journey we will shall gather strength to support each other and our children, a determination to do what is just and right, and time to enjoy and take pleasure in our family. In our bonds we grow closer and gain a deeper insight into the miracle of life.

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